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  • Rachel Spigler
  • Assoc. Professor
  • Department of Biology
  • Office Number BioLife 443
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  •         h-Index: 18
            i10-Index: 21
            Citations: 1,155
Rachel Spigler
Research in my lab focuses broadly on plant evolutionary ecology, spanning the fields of quantitative genetics, population genetics, population ecology, pollination biology, and conservation biology. We combine mensurative field studies, manipulative field and greenhouse experiments, and genetic/genomic tools to explore how ecological, demographic, and genetic factors influence plant mating patterns and shape the evolution of reproductive traits. Current research projects in the lab cover two areas: (1) The effects of habitat fragmentation on plant-pollinator interactions, mating system dynamics, and floral trait evolution (2) The evolution of mixed-mating and the selfing syndrome.

More information on the Spigler Laboratory is available at