Rob Kulathinal
- Assoc. Professor
- Associate Director, iGEM
- Department of Biology
BioLife 213
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h-Index: 31
i10-Index: 46
Citations: 7,493
Rob Kulathinal
Research in my lab focuses on how evolutionary processes such as selection and drift generate remarkable molecular and organismal patterns in populations and species. Our multidisciplinary work on speciation theory incorporates population, comparative, and functional genomics. We primarily focus on reproductive genetic systems, particularly gene networks involved in sexually dimorphic patterns of expression, to understand how divergence and speciation advance. Our mission is to detect the evolutionary signals of all types of digital, biological, technological, and social data to study the evolution of digital artifacts.
More information on the Kulathinal Laboratory is available at www.bioinform.org.
More information on the Kulathinal Laboratory is available at www.bioinform.org.