- Jocelyn Behm
- Asst. Professor
- Department of Biology
- SERC 544
- Google Scholar
- Website h-Index: 21
i10-Index: 28
Citations: 1,222
Jocelyn Behm
Research in my lab focuses on species in decline, from the mechanisms that cause this loss to solutions we can implement to fight it. Rather than specializing in any taxonomic group or region, our goal is to address imminent conservation concerns across the tree of life and devise novel, customized, and effective conservation strategies. My research falls into two categories, including (1) identifying mechanisms of species declines and (2) researching strategies to reduce future species declines. I use a mixture of field surveys, lab and field experiments, and modeling to answer questions.
More information on the Integrative Ecology Laboratory is available at www.iecolab.org.
More information on the Integrative Ecology Laboratory is available at www.iecolab.org.